What is a jockey pump in firefighting

Safety evo

Life saving tips

what is a jockey pump

It is very important to know what is a jockey pump when we talk about firefighting

In firefighting systems, jockey pump is one of the most critical elements 

And in many industries, it is not usually the main fire pump.

But it has a very important role, which will be explained in this discussion 

So, stay with us to know the use of jockey pumps and some technical data about it.

The NFPA shall be our source of all information.

  • What is a jockey pump and what is it used for
  • Jockey pumps controller
  • Jockey pumps set points
  • Can jockey pumps be used as main pumps

What is a jockey pump and what is it used for

jockey pumps

One of the most common firefighting equipment

NFPA definition describes its role in the fire networks

Also called pressure maintenance or pressure make up pumps

And it is a pump designed to maintain the water pressure on the fire protection system

between preset limits when the system is not flowing water.

NFPA also mentioned that it is not the main fire protection pump

One of the main reasons behind considering it not the main fire pump is

that it is an electrically operated pump

In many emergency scenarios, electrical power can go down. 

For this reason, we need to depend on another means of protection like the diesel pumps.

Jockey pumps shall have rated capacities not less than the normal leakage in the network.

Jockey pumps controller

jockey pump controller

The jockey pumps must be equipped with a proper control panel to facilitate the operation and shut down of the pump

This control panel shall be able to monitor the pressure of the fire network using pressure sensing elements 

Because there is a proper operating pressure for the fire network that should not be exceeded 

This pump’s controller also shall be able to switch between the power sources feeding the pump.

Which must be completely separate from the main pump’s power source.

The controller shall be able to adjust the pumps pressure so that it should not exceed this operating pressure.

Also, the fire network need to be always pressurized with a proper pressure for rapid response in fire scenarios.

Jockey pumps set points

This can be achieved using the pump’s controller.

The jockey pump need to be adjusted on two pressure set points

The pump’s operation point shall be at least 10 psi less than the pump’s stop pressure.

Also, the main fire pump start pressure shall be at least 5 psi less than the jockey pump’s start pressure

And for any other additional pumps, 10 psi increment can be adjusted.

The jockey pump’s stop pressure need to be less than the operating pressure of the fire network.

As a safety control, a pressure relief valve can be equipped on the pump’s outlet

This valve can prevent any excessive pressure from affecting the fire network.

Can jockey pumps be used as main pumps

We just discussed what is a jockey pump and from the definition we can tell that

this pump is not meant to fight the fire.

It is installed to maintain the fire network pressure.

But, another heavy duty pump is needed for firefighting that can be operated by a proper power source.

Electricity is not this proper source, as it can be lost in emergency situations.

Even in normal operation cases, electrical power can be lost.

So, it is not wise to depend on electrical power in emergencies.

For this reason, NFPA recommends to avail another main pump that is always ready for intervention in fire scenarios.

WE hope we were able to answer the question what is a jockey pump

All these data was extracted from a trusted source, NFPA 20 (2019)

Standard for the installation of stationary pumps for fire protection.

Later we will mention other data and information about fire pumps 

And how to prepare a testing and maintenance plan to ensure its preparedness any time

