engulfment definition and some examples

Safety evo

Life saving tips

engulfment definition

In this Engulfment definition article, you will not only be able to identify engulfment

But through the examples we will mention, you will be fully able to detect any engulfment hazard you may have.

Also, we will help you avoiding the engulfment by simple means.

You may need to visit this previous post (what is engulfment hazard)

To complete your knowledge about this hazard.

Because this post shall focus on the definition and some examples only.

Engulfment definition

engulfment hazard

Engulfment meaning that somebody is swallowed up in a material or immersed in it.

In this case, the affected person can suffer oxygen deficiency and asphyxiation.  

This can occur either accidentally of during planned activity.

For example, if we are planning to do some maintenance activities inside an area

where it is not possible to evacuate, and the worker will have to enter this area.

Or accidentally when an unplanned incident occur puts the workers in front of this hazard.

what type of material presents an engulfment hazard

Engulfment can occur when dealing with liquids or solid granules.

Liquid containers like oil or water tanks may form engulfment hazards 

Because as we mentioned in the engulfment definition above, the immersion may occur.

causing the victim to be unable to breath.

Also, engulfment is very common in grains storage areas.

Another form of engulfment can be noticed in excavation activities.

In this case, the excavation produced sand or soil may collapse and cover the workers

So, it is essential for these activities to be carried out in a safe way.

Examples of engulfment hazard

engulfment hazard

Just as mentioned in the engulfment definition, the body is swallowed inside liquid or solid granules.

Examples may be, 

  • Liquid like water or flammable liquid inside a tank.
  • A trench or an excavation which is not properly performed. (collapse)
  • Grains or flour storage areas. 
  • Sawdust in wood working industries.

What ever your activity is, there is a chance to face engulfment hazard.

Your way to avoid this hazard is always to seek for the safe practice to avoid these hazards.

How can engulfment affect the safety of workers

It may seem to you that the engulfment can only cause asphyxiation.

But, there is another very critical threat for those who are facing engulfment.

Even if the fluid did not cover the whole body of the worker,

this partial engulfment will restrict his ability to move. 

especially in emergency situations, where the worker need to respond quickly to save his life.

This makes it very tough to deal with engulfment hazard in a confined space.

And elevates the risk to suffer severe consequences.

Next time we will talk about ways to avoid and control engulfment hazard.

This will not be soo far.


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