lock out tag out quiz

Safety evo

Life saving tips


In this lock out tag out quiz, we will try to bring the simplest answers for some questions

Understanding these questions, can help you to feel the criticality of LOTO

So, if your question is one of the following, tell us if the answers helped you.

And if you want to ask another question which is not answered here, 

just tell us about what you want to know and we promise to help ASAP.

The contents of this lock out tag out quiz are the following elements:

What is lock out tag out

what is lock out tag out

We have to begin our lock out tag out quiz by identifying the meaning of LOTO

It is a safety procedure which is carried out prior to a maintenance activity 

and aims to ensure that any hazardous energy source is properly isolated

and that this energy source cannot be returned to work until the end of the maintenance activity.

and even cannot rework by mistake.

This lock out tag out is divided into two stages.

LOCK: which is a process to secure the isolation method

using a tool that prevents any one from opening it.

And TAG: and this is done by posting a sign to describe the reason of the lock

 and some data about the lock process and who did it.

What kind of control is LOTO in the control hierarchy ? 

lock out tag out safety talk

Also, this question can be answered in two parts.

LOCK: is considered an engineering control, as we add a physical change to the tool temporarily. 

While TAG: is an administrative control. Because it is just a notification about the lock as we just mentioned.

The lock is the control that prevents the reactivation of the power source physically.

while, the tag is not preventing any thing. it is only notifying people.

So, it is very critical in this lock out tag out quiz to know that

using the tag only without a lock is nothing, as many workers may not be able to understand or even read the message.

Even this tag can be lost for any reason, so we need first to lock the source properly.

Who is the authorized person to perform lock out tag out

Safety controls for electrical hazards.

The lock and tag have to be done under supervision of the most aware person about the activity

Who is the person responsible for the area.

Some times we will need to involve other competent authorized person like electrician or mechanic.

Now we mentioned the performer and the PRA. 

But the most critical part of this is to communicate with others about the isolation and LOTO process.

This is what we are about to answer in the next question of our lock out tag out quiz

Who should be aware about LOTO and how ?

In your company or organization, you may have many shifts per day.

and thus you are changing the shifts daily.

in this case you need every shift supervisor to be aware about everything done in the previous shift.

This shall be done properly using the implementation of proper hand over procedure.

which has to be done by both written records and a hand over meeting.

It is also recommended to put an isolation register,

in which you are identifying every isolation point, the reason of isolation, 

isolation date, by whom it was isolated and the isolation certificate number of you have.

We also recommend to identify if this isolation is related to a certain work permit.

By these procedures, it is granted that your isolation and LOTO is done and communicated in a proper way.

What can be the consequences if we forgot LOTO

Missing this critical control can lead to catastrophic consequences.

Many disasters occurred due to the absence of lock out tag out procedure. 

Simply, being unaware about the reason of isolation, makes it possible that a person accidentally

activates an isolated power source. exposing people and equipment to high potential hazards.

To get the idea, we can give an example.

In confined space activities, if the power source is activated, workers will be in a great danger.

not only due to the uncontrolled power source, but also engulfment can occur.

for this reason, we consider that the isolation certificate is mandatory attachment for the confined space permit.

The last 3 lines including links for previous posts that can help you a lot.

And we promise to put in front of you many other life saving data.

