How to protect against caught in or between hazards

Safety evo

Life saving tips

to protect against caught in or between hazards

It is very important to protect against caught in or between hazards not only in work places

These two hazards are a clear example of line of fire

We discussed this topic before in a previous post

This time, we will explain in some details what exactly is this hazard

And some caught in or between hazards examples

And controls to implement that can reduce or eliminate these hazards.

What is caught in or between hazard

caught in between

Osha defined this hazard as the following:

caught in or between occur when a person is crushed, caught, compressed or squeezed between 2 objects.

One of these two objects or both can be moving objects.

This can be described by assuming an excavation, where the worker was injured due to soil collapse.

In this example, the worker is caught between the ground and the moving soil which caused the injury.

Examples on caught in or between hazards 

caught in between hazard examples
  • Cave in for excavation or trenching activities are good examples, 
  • Another example is being caught in a rotating part of a machinery.
  • Also, being crushed between a moving vehicle and a stationary wall.

The last example is different from being hit-by the vehicle. 

This is a different description (hit by )

This kind of injuries is very common in work places especially at construction sites. 

to protect against caught in or between hazards

This is done by applying some controls which may be engineering or administrative. 

in this section, we will mention some topics and controls.

These controls can be used to protect against caught in or between hazards

And prevent the damages and losses from these hzards.

Using the same thinking criteria when we talk about safety controls,

  • we have to seek first for hazard elimination. 

This can be achieved only if we can remove the source of hazard.

Like removing the human factor and mechanize the entire process.

  • If this is not possible, we can use another level of control (more applicable and less effective)
to protect against caught in or between hazards

This is done by applying some controls which may be engineering or administrative. 

Something like putting a machine guard to prevent the contact between the workers and the hazard.

Or by perform the excavation process in a safe way as mentioned in this post

Also using the safety signs and controlling the work under a permit is effective.

All these controls aim to reduce the chance of facing the event.

Or at least can decrease the consequences of facing the event. 

To select the most proper for our business, we need to follow the ALARP concept.

which can be explained later in other post. 

Until this time ……………..

