which bacteria cause the greatest harm in the food industry

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which bacteria cause the greatest harm in the food industry


Bacterial contamination can occur due to cross contamination in any food processing stage

This issue is responsible for many food related illnesses and deaths allover the world.

According to the WHO, more than 400,000 deaths occur annually due to foodborne illnesses worldwide.

in this post, we will try to mention the most common bacterial species contaminating foods.

Also we will discuss the different symptoms that prove any foodborne illness


It is commonly found in undercooked or raw poultry and eggs.

Also in unpasteurized milk we can find salmonella 

Salmonella infection causes minor symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

Also can be fatal or cause severe toxicity.


Some kind of gram negative bacteria

Like salmonella, it can be found in undercooked meat and poultry 

Even in contaminated water.

But the symptoms may be more aggressive.

Fatality and severe illnesses are more likely to happen with campylobacter. 

Escherichia coli (E. coli)

There are many strains of it and it is also one of the most famous bacteria in food.

Even, some strains can be found normally inside the intestine of healthy people.

These harmless strains can cause relatively brief diarrhea

Some few strains are harmful and can cause medical complications.

Can be found also in undercooked beef, unpasteurized milk and contaminated vegetables.

This time the infected person may suffer bloody diarrhea and dehydration.

Listeria monocytogenes

A gram positive bacteria can be considered dangerous for many reasons.

It can grow in low temperatures even inside refrigerators.

Found inside raw meat and dairy products and processed foods like deli meats or soft cheeses

This Listeria monocytogenes can be very harmful for pregnant women, newborns 

and those with weakened immune system.

Staphylococcus aureus (Staph)

Can be transferred by contact with human skin and by inhalation

Neglecting the proper handwash can cause food contamination with Staph.

Its health complications can be less severe than other bacteria but it occurs rapidly. 

It can affect many organs like respiratory system (Pneumonia)

Also can affect the digestive system causing vomiting and diarrhea. 


It can be transferred through fecal contamination of food and water.

Animals like rats can be a common cause of Shigella contamination.

For this reason, pest control is mandatory inside the kitchens.

Digestive system illness can occur due to Shigella.

Bloody diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain can occur.

It’s crucial to recognize that this list is just for example. 

Many other bacteria also have the potential to cause foodborne complications

Also, the severity of these illnesses is not granted.

It can vary depending on the intensity of contamination and immune system for the victim.

Fortunately, many controls are available to avoid this contamination.

Some of these controls were discussed in a previous post 

Also, here we selected 5 easy to use controls that can help you to improve your food safety culture

Keep following us for your safety

